Panda threats of the last 20 years

Panda has just released a study of the most severe threats over the last 20 years. This makes for interesting reading and brings back some memories;  however, the most interesting thing about this article ( and other articles on the same topic ) is that nowhere is it mentioned that these are all Microsoft-platform viruses. Are we all to assume that any virus is automatically a Microsoft-platform virus or is there a concerted effort to keep this piece of information out of the press?

An acquaintance of mine recently had their business network of about 30 workstations ( XP ) and 2 servers ( SBS ), wiped out by a variant of the Autorun virus ( Neeris ). 3 days of downtime and lost productivity notwithstanding the use of firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware software. I think I’ll stick to the non-Microsoft route …

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