Linkedin security issues with DNS redirection

Starting yesterday, Linkedin went offline for a period of time due to a DNS redirection problem. Essentially when going to the site, one would in actual fact be visiting an alternate site that was not actually Linkedin. This issue is generally known as DNS Hijacking. Data that may have been compromised due to users connecting to this alternate site include usernames, passwords and cookie information. Any users that have connected to Linkedin during this period are advised to login and change their password.

The servers that were used in this redirection, belong to a group that are known to host malicious, phishing and spam sources. At the moment, it’s not known if the issue is related to a hack or a misconfiguration.


So it seems the DNS redirection is was a result of misconfiguration on the part of Network solutions, Linkedin’s DNS provider. And it didn’t only affect Linkedin, but a further 5000 clients. Bam! You’re it!

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